Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The West Soma Plan and Entertainment discussionafter the He Said She said blog

So after sleeping on what we read in Live SoMa we feel it is needed for us to say first and foremost it is not us against Jim Meko. We are not in a battle with Jim. We are not trying to discredit Jim and actually would rather not be on the other end of any argument with him. This is about a discussion that has been ongoing in our communities. Entertainment in West SoMa is not a new idea and certainly this is not the first or last time we will open this discussion. When we talk to bar and club owners, artists in the area, people who work in bars and clubs, new bar and club owners, and the many many people who have settled in SoMa for the diverse entertainment possibilities as well as other reasons; most or many do not know anything about this West SoMa Citizens Planning Task Force nor the plan.

There are many reasons for that such as the great turn over in residents in the area, the turn over of business in the area, and poor outreach to Entertainment venues and small business. So we have been listening to these people and businesses and asking what they see as a issues and some changes they would like to see. We wanted to start an open dialogue around this with a group of people who have been investigating these issues with me before the plan is adopted by Planning. These people include members of the Harvey Milk Club, residents, club and bar owners, and continued outreach to the Queer Communities, Folsom Street Events, CMAC, and the Entertainment Commission as well as listening to the people who show up at Planning Commission Meetings to voice their concerns about these issues.

This is not a battle and not a war. This is not even such a huge ask that we have started fleshing out. The manner that it has been portrayed by Live SoMa is exactly what we did not want. It is counter productive behavior to open dialogue to sensationalize this issue and make it a He Said She Said article.

So please allow us to state the asks we have heard from the communities that have voiced an issue in this matter.

1. Protection for the clubs on 11th street. There is minimal housing on 11th street and many many clubs. In fact several have just reopened like Beat Box. As is commonly known at present clubs and housing do not mix. Why would we continue to place housing on 11th street? They don't mix and it is just asking for a head ache. When the new Entertainment Zone is slated for South of Harrison Street and this zone comes right up to 11th street why can it not include 1 block of 11th street known for entertainment venues.

Venues that events like Folsom Street are having trouble finding to fit their crowds when visiting our fair city. Folsom Street Fair is the second largest generator of tourist dollars in our city after Gay Pride. As a city we should also consider the needs and hardships that have been facing in the last 5-10 years.

One neighbor who complained over and over about Slim's almost shut down this venerable institution. Many of the complaints came on nights the club was not open but never the less the ABC came in and shut down this venue. The resident even had in their lease a provision that stated this is an Entertainment Zone with night time noise but even that didn't help prevent problems with housing and Nightlife. Also it has been told to me by Jim Meko that this Condo was not built to standards up to code that would prevent this from happening.

Solutions can come in many forms. Extend the Entertainment Zone down 11th street. Create a Special Use District for that block allowing Entertainment some needed protection. Make Entertainment a permitted use on 11th street so that existing venues have some protection against encroachment of neighbors. Make sure that Development be responsible when building next to night life venues. Allow tenants to hold these developers responsible for the work that they have done as well as the nightlife venues. Just to name a few. This is not language that should start a war but to curtail problems for future residents of SoMa. Again No war please.

2. The first ever Queer Historical District is to be created in West SoMa. This along with a Filipino Cultural District will help preserve the history of this area. Gail Rubens an amazing Queer Historian has given many presentations about SoMa and it's Queer History. She has really opened up the conversation for why Queer Culture has all but vanished and continues to struggle in SoMa today. In the 80's the bath houses were shut down and the hundreds of Gay men who poured into the neighborhood to experience a part of our culture ceased. Then with Willie Brown in the 90's we lost the ability for new Entertainment Permits in the area and this legislation also curtailed improvements like soundproofing and significant improvements to existing bars and clubs in the West SoMa area. This legislation crippled the industry even further and has continued during this time of economic down turn. Another part of this issue is that once a bar or club has been dormant for 2 to 3 (I am unsure of the length of time exactly) years the Entertainment license disappears. Since there are no new Entertainment Permits permitted in this area we have lost many venues never to return. We have strangled many corner stone businesses right out of existence and created a vacuum that is causing problems for any business to survive.

Some solutions that have been suggested are that we allow these businesses; who for one reason or another; retain their Entertainment Licenses for a 5 to 6 year period or indefinitely so that during times of economic strife we do not continue to loose such businesses. Allow Entertainment to be a permitted use along Folsom and to extend the LGBT Historical District onto Folsom to help continue to allow for Queer Heritage to be a living one and not just a memory designated by plaques and the like. I agree that large clubs in housing areas is not the best idea but not all nightlife is megga watt entertainment. The Powerhouse, Hole In The Wall and KOK bar have all been good neighbors and struggle to keep Queer Culture alive in SoMa. If we recognize that they are part of the community fabric and other small businesses could do the same if permitted. Folsom is going to be the main street or High street in British terms and slated for a commercial use zone. It has been voiced that perhaps this could include bars and small entertainment venues. I have even heard that along 9th and 10th that these permits would also be welcome because these areas are not going to be zoned as residential. Again this is not Entertainment everywhere but on commercial corridors that are in need of invigoration and corner stone businesses. Let the new Large clubs open past Harrison in the SALI area. Allowing Entertainment to be a permitted use on commercial corridors is not in our eyes such a great ask. In fact it goes along with residents and entertainment on top of one another is a bad idea. So is it bad to have entertainment on commercial corridors?

Queer nightlife and space has been disappearing rapidly. Queer culture sees it's entertainment venues to be places to strengthen communities and serve members of it's communities that need help in many areas. An example is the loss of the Eagle; for whatever reasons; has many not for profits scrambling to make up monies lost. One such organization Tenderloin Tessies who feed AIDS sufferers and shut ins has lost 2K a year just by the closing of the Eagle. We as a city can't mandate that a venue stay open but we can see this issue and realize that Entertainment can and is a benefit to communities and in particular Queer Communities. To continue to limit these venues limits the ability for the Queer communities to rally and aid those in need that for whatever reason rely on Not For Profits for survival.

However let me for warn us all. Many of the issues attributed to Nightlife are not Club related. Party Busses are a great cause of disturbance in these neighborhoods. Party Buses allow all out uncensored drinking and then dump between 30-60 very inebriated people onto the streets of our city. Loss of space concentrates more and more the people who come to our world class city into fewer and fewer spaces and thus overcrowding causes even more issues around nightlife. When Diane Feinstein removed the ability for restaurants to stay open late we lost a very useful tool for controlling noise after clubs close by offering patrons places to go and sober up before going home. Perhaps we can learn from these mistakes and try to work toward a better understanding of how to work with our Entertainment and include them in the planning process that lay ahead and find creative positive solutions for our neighborhoods.

I also hear about "needles in bushes" as a problem of nightlife. Drug addiction is not a nightlife issue it is a health issue. People who use drugs have the largest recidivism rate in our city. That is because we do not view this as a health issue but as a criminal act. If we want fewer "needles in our bushes" we must treat the health issues and mental issues of homeless peoples, drug users, and those in need. Safe Use Sights, better funding for needle exchange and mental health are certainly more constructive than wasteful and costly incarceration.

In truth these very small asks have been met with such venomous replies and words of "war" we feel it is our duty to point out that really these asks are not so large that they undermine the whole of the Western SoMa Plan. Instead they are ways to try and strike a balance. With almost 50% of new housing vacant in SoMa it is very hard to see the need for 11th street to be taken over when it is the cultural nightlife seat in West SoMa.

None of this was really discussed in the Live Soma article not to mention the long term residents who make their living in these venues.

We must be open to find ways to integrate our cultural legacy and not rely so heavily on the Development cash that has helped to destroy the vibrancy of our neighborhoods for a quick fix. The ability to see problems created in the past and how to avoid them in the future is good planning and although some solutions have been offered many have yet to be discussed with the Task Force.

Again this is not a war. War is costly and destructive and preserving culture is not either of those. It is instead forward thinking and needed to preserve culture and vibrant neighborhoods. This is the type of conversation I wished to have not a he said she said fight in the press. However the unwillingness of those in charge of the West SoMa Task force to even entertain these ideas has caused quite a rift in the planning group with some being heard and others not. I hope we can welcome al;l concerns to the table in the future and come up with a historic and community minded plan that looks at the fabric of our neighborhoods, uses new technology to mitigate problems, and more involvement from nightlife and resident concerns to see what the middle ground is. We all live here together and it is best when all investors are given equal voice so that we can avoid even the whisper that this need be a war.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Entertainment and it's value in West SoMa

SoMa Leadership Council
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
6:00 PM in the community room of the Folsom/Dore Apartments
1346 Folsom Street (between 9th and 10th Streets)

"... to ensure that South of Market remains a
compassionate, diverse, vibrant and complete neighborhood."


Revisiting entertainment: new nightclubs, okay ... new housing, not?

At this afternoon's Planning Commission presentation of the Western SoMa Community Plan, it was suggested during public comment that the light industrial zoning south of Harrison Street be extended into the 11th Street area because, under that new zoning category, entertainment would become a permitted use. The Task Force liberalized the zoning because new housing in the SALI (Service, Arts and Light Industrial) district would not be allowed.

That would be an interesting switcheroo. Housing, currently as-of-right, would suddenly find itself a non-permitted use and entertainment, grandfathered in as a legal, nonconforming use, would become a fully permitted use. The Planning Commissioners, often sympathetic to fun sounding notions -- particularly if they are not personally impacted -- might very well consider making the swap.

Why stop at 11th Street? South of Market already contains almost half the Place of Entertainment permits in the city. Does Folsom Street needs more too? What about other areas that have a high concentration of entertainment venues?

Of course, outlawing housing would be a pretty extreme step and the nonconforming status imposed on existing housing would wreak havoc with property values. The city might consider instead simply making new nightclubs a fully permitted use alongside the existing housing, although every application promises to be a pitched battle. That explains why there isn't a long line of applicants agitating to open new nightclubs in an area that's rapidly becoming much more residential.

Of course, if entertainment zoning is back on the table, stricter limits on the industry are also worth considering. Good planning is supposed to avoid creating any more conflict between incompatible uses. The SALI zoning introduces the concept of buffer zones to protect a few Residential Enclave Districts south of Harrison Street. In other areas, such as near senior housing, entertainment has proven to be completely inappropriate. The conflicts between housing and nighttime entertainment run deep in some parts of SoMa. Are you ready for another neighbor/nightclub war?

Many of you participated in the public process which helped to create the Western SoMa Community Plan. You attended many meetings of the Arts and Entertainment Focus Group, which met for more than a year. Others spoke up at the three town hall meetings we held at Bessie CarmichaelSchool. That's where the rough outlines of the current recommendations came from. You might have thought that this issue was settled.

Besides the three town halls, the Task Force listened and discussed this as an agenda item 41 times at various committee meetings and voted on changes to the existing controls at 22 meetings of the full Task Force. It's not as if we haven't given this lots of attention. The Task Force ultimately decided to recommend that we (1) leave entertainment as a legal, non-conforming use in the mixed-use neighborhoods north of Harrison Street, (2) change the zoning south of Harrison Street to make all forms of Place of Entertainment a fully permitted use, (3) allow the non-conforming status that every existing venue holds to remain with the property for a reasonable length of time following demolition of the building so that it could be built into new construction, and (4) create an accessory entertainment permit that would be allowed in the Folsom Street Neighborhood Commercial District. This seemed to be a reasonable compromise.

"Revisiting entertainment" will be the theme at next week's SoMa Leadership Council. If you care strongly about the subject, one way or another, don't miss this meeting.
Skate park under freeway undergoes environmental review

The long awaited skate park under the Central Freeway touch-down ramp is one step closer to reality. The Planning Department recently issued a “Notification of Project Receiving Environmental Review” for the proposal, which includes the skate park and a mini-park, with basketball courts, play areas, a dog run, lighting, plantings and a pedestrian walkway.

Neighborhood notification required for “limited live performances”

You have the right to request notification of all applications for the new Limited Live Performance permit within your neighborhood. The stated purpose of the legislation is to allow principally permitted uses such as cafes and restaurants to supplement their current business model with accessory entertainment. Supervisor Mark Farrell amended the ordinance to require that the Entertainment Commission “provide a copy of all Limited Live Performance Permit applications and the corresponding public hearing notices within a specified geographic area to any Person who, in writing or by email, requests such and identifies the area.

The SoMa Leadership Council meets on the third Wednesday of every month in the community room of the Folsom/Dore Apartments The public is always welcome. For more information, visit our web site at ...

Monday, October 10, 2011

Thursday, September 29, 2011

October 1st and 2nd is off the HOOK IN SF ENTERTAINMENT

Voter Registration Drive with HARD FRENCH.

The only party that I am ever envious of not throwing myself throws a VOTER REGISTRATION Funk Fest 2-8 at El Rio! Details at www.hardfrench.com and www.facebook.com/hardfrench. Chock full of celebrities, trannies, mannies and elected officals! This is co sponsored by the Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic club details http://www.facebook.com/pages/Harvey-Milk-LGBT-Democratic-Club/117532891655126 or http://www.milkclub.org/. Either way this is the place to be Saturday before heading to.....

Homo Homecoming the homecoming themed fundraiser for Mayoral Candidate John Avalos and masterminded by Lil Miss HotMess! More Information: http://avalosformayor.org/2011/09/saturday-october-1st-homo-homecoming/ or: https://services.myngp.com/ngponlineservices/Event.aspx?Y=FrZ0S4jyDpXualvcqBdIOIsBriSs7ZAWGXiVQ17v4DR2BF4mPntvVg%3d%3d.

There will be..

Dancing with DJs:

- Bus Station John (Tubesteak Connection)

- Pink Lightning (Stay Gold)

Pep Rally Performances By:

- Ambrosia Salad

- Anita Whitemann

- Brock Cocker

- Fauxnique

- Glamamore

- Rotissary Ethnicity Jackson-Houston Ross

- Tommi Avicolli Mecca

And More School Spirit:

+ Date Auction – win a date with a big queer on campus!

+ Homecoming Photos by Shot In The City

+ Sound by QT Sound System

Dress Code:

Brat Pack dress code strongly encouraged: nerds, jocks, princesses, outcasts, burnouts!

Buy tickets (only $10) in advance to win free drink tickets & other prizes!


Savior Soul is at the Powerhouse and is a monthly Fundraiser 6-10 benefiting the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. More info http://www.facebook.com/groups/170358779675372/ or http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=235038543213511

It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere is at the Stud and it's reliving the 90's with Dean Disaster. More info http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=198412203561335

See you all at the Castro Street Fair where Charlie Horse celebrates it's 6th Anniversary of joining The WORLD OF WONDERMENT interactive section of the street fair. We will be the hoard of Fortunetellers! More information http://www.castrostreetfair.org/pages/barnabys_world.html

See everyone I know this weekend obviously! Yeah Summer!


Monday, September 12, 2011

Anna Conda turns 44 September !* at the MIX! bar

Sunday, September 18 · 3:00pm - 6:00pm

SF Mix
4086 18th Street
San Francisco, CA

Created By

More Info
Anna is turning 44 and she is helping the Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club raise funds to continue their outstanding work! Come to the MIX Bar and help her celebrate! Bring a number!!!!
Drag show so please bring a number, 50/50 raffle, and BEER!
Ceremonial Guide for the Day- Mutha Chucka!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2011

Ginsburgh's "Howl" reading at the Cartoon Art Museum!

Thursday, July 14 · 7:00pm - 10:00pm

Cartoon Art Museum
655 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA

Created By

More Info
Join the Cartoon Art Museum for an unusual reading of Allen Ginsberg’s poem Howl, hosted by Anna Conda featuring local celebrities Supervisor Eric Mar, Dana Morrigan, James Tracy, Sunny Angulo, Dean Disaster, Carol Stewart, Dam Dyke, David Elliot Lewis, Shanice Walcott, Kegel Kater, and Marc Solomon. This is not your average poetry reading though, prepare yourselves for an inspired presentation of excerpts from Allen Ginsberg’s ground-breaking poem. Local artists Justin Hall (Glamazonia, True Travel Tales) and Jon Macy (Teleny and Camille, Fearful Hunter) will attend this event courtesy of Northwest Press and Prism Comics. Plus the talents of Carl With Records singing to your hearts content his very own beat style song styling! PLUS Crafting with Some THINGS very own Haute Glue!

Tickets to the event range from $5 to $100.
$5 – General Admission
$20 – Admission plus a copy of Howl: A Graphic Novel
$35 – Admission plus an Individual level membership to the Cartoon Art Museum
$55 – Admission, Individual level membership to the Cartoon Art Museum, a copy of Howl: A Graphic Novel
$75 – Admission, Family level membership to the Cartoon Art Museum
$100 – Admission, Family level membership to the Cartoon Art Museum, Howl: A Graphic Novel signed by Eric Drooker

Tickets can be purchased online at: http://guestli.st/61995
Online ticket sales for the Cartoon Art Museum are sponsored by Guestlistapp.com <http://Guestlistapp.com/>

About the exhibition:
The Art of Howl
May 14 – September 11, 2011

San Francisco, CA: Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman's film, Howl, produced by Werc Werk Works, opened the 2010 Sundance Film Festival. Featuring James Franco as the beat poet Allen Ginsberg, the film took an experimental approach to documenting the creation and performance of Ginsberg's revolutionary poem, "Howl"– as well as the obscenity trial that followed when, after undercover policemen purchased copies of Howl and Other Poems from City Lights Bookstore, the state tried to suppress its publication. The film blends glimpses of Ginsberg's personal life, recreations of the obscenity trial, and animated sequences that accompany Franco's performance of the poem, riffing on its ideas and images.

The Art of Howl gives a revealing look behind the scenes at the creative process of turning poetry into animation. The film directors enlisted Eric Drooker to design the animation; Drooker, a graphic novelist and painter, was friends with Ginsberg and had collaborated with him on the book Illuminated Poems. John Hays, a San Francisco-based animation veteran, directed the sequences, which were animated by The Monk Studios in Thailand.

Translating Ginsberg's incendiary, oracular, stream-of-consciousness language into moving images was a unique challenge. The animation, like the poem, conjures a world of outcasts, "deviants," outlaws, poets and prophets digging for scraps of connection and enlightenment under the shadow of "Moloch" – the overpowering industrial cityscape that demands submission, conformity, and ultimately annihilation.

This multimedia exhibit includes character design drawings, animation keyframes & concept art, photos by Allen Ginsberg, storyboards, animatics, and images from Drooker's graphic novel version of the poem.

The Cartoon Art Museum is pleased to present this animated interpretation of a piece of literary history – just a couple miles from City Lights Bookstore, the launching-pad for Ginsberg's poetic career, and through their victory at the "Howl" trial, a historic ground zero for freedom of expression.

Curated by Andrew Farago, Eric Drooker and Chris Lanier

CPMC raises great concerns in the Community

Community and labor groups blast CPMC’s “offer” as a smoke and mirrors exercise. CPMC fails to address the important issues raised by the Mayor and community.

San Francisco, CA, July 6, 2011 – California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC) has once again portrayed itself as the aggrieved victim of unfair demands from the Mayor and community groups over its proposed new mega-hospital at Van Ness and Geary, the latest volley in its public relations campaign and a slap in the face to the Mayor, community stakeholders, and residents of San Francisco.

CPMC’s counter-proposal to the City of San Francisco does not include a commitment to providing health care services to low-income people at a level consistent with other hospitals. It also does not offer any guarantees that jobs in proposed rebuilt facilities will remain with its current employees or even with San Franciscans.

Sutter Health, CPMC’s parent company, values the counter-proposal at $1.1 billion over 50 years, undercutting Mayor Lee’s already limited requests. What they fail to mention is that nearly 90% of what Mayor Lee has asked is to provide health care to people with Medi-Cal and charity care at a level consistent with other hospitals.

Its charity care, for example, would grow from its current 1.1% to 2.36%, the average percentage San Francisco non-profit hospitals give as charity care.

The new proposal also promises less than half of Mayor Lee’s requested commitment to build affordable housing, a land use requirement of any development being built in the Van Ness Area, and is meant to maintain the neighborhood’s residential character.

Sutter/CPMC also refuses to take a stance on jobs at the proposed Cathedral Hill hospital, and has not committed to allowing nurses, technicians, janitors, and other employees at downsized Sutter/CPMC campuses to keep their jobs when transferring to the new hospital. Keeping its experienced and hard-working nurses and other employees wouldn’t cost Sutter/CPMC a dime.

Sutter/CPMC’s vague proposal for a new “health center” in the Tenderloin is purely smoke and mirrors, given that they could easily support one of many existing Tenderloin-based clinics, already struggling to stay afloat.

CPMC's proposal contains virtually nothing more, and in many instances even less than the commitments it made through the Blue Ribbon Panel to Save St. Luke's. Push back from community groups stopped Sutter Health from closing inpatient care at St. Luke’s in 2005, the last private hospital south of Market Street to serve the City’s southeast sector. Community groups again hope their voices will be heard by stopping Sutter Health from cutting two-thirds of the beds from St. Luke’s. These drastic cuts would overburden an already strained SF General Hospital and endanger the residents of the Mission, Noe Valley, Bernal Heights, Bayview/Hunters Point, Visitacion Valley and other neighborhoods that rely on St. Luke’s.

All of this is hard to swallow, considering the tens of millions of “non-profit” tax benefits, hundreds of millions of dollars in public financing, and over a hundred million dollars in revenue profits alone for Sutter/CPMC, which control over 40% of the City’s hospital beds and plays a major role in the rising costs of healthcare coverage in San Francisco.

As a non-profit, Sutter/CPMC has a responsibility to provide generous care, good jobs, and new infrastructure for its new development. Sutter/CPMC should work with community groups to find what works best for Sutter/CPMC employees, patients, neighbors, and ALL San Franciscans.


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

July 7 Help Anna Conda @ Rules Committee hearing for Entertainment Commission

The time has come to testify on my behalf at the Rules Committee hearing in City Hall on July 7th at 1:30.
I applied to this seat to be a community representative. There has been much push back sighting the fact that I have worked in clubs and there for can not be a community leader.
I think this is an example of what happens when you are a Drag Queen quite frankly. People look at you and believe that you can not be taken seriously or that perhaps I will not be able to make decisions that will be fair.
I will really need your help on the 7th to testify to the Rules Committee that I am....
1. Community Oriented and that clubs are often the place that queers find their voice and become leaders. As a person who escaped to NY I had one way to make a living and serve my community. Drag. Drag was my only job in NY.
In San Francisco however I became a hairdresser and made my living as such. I did drag as a way to continue my storytelling and art. I have continued to work for the community around planning issues that I later was Sainted by the Sisters for. I have worked around Prop 8 and other anti queer legislation. But it is not just "I" who have done it but we have together. Out of the bars and into the streets as Harvey Milk said.

2. Last year I ran for Supervisor of District 6 and came in 6th out of 15. I struggled to gain recognition in a crowded field and to make my platform heard. A platform based on community solutions for some of our toughest problems. I continue to work around Safe Use Sights and Homeless issues while using my drag to fundraise for many grass roots and not for profit organizations. I have also done an exemplary job with the Harvey Milk Club as their Outreach Co-Ordinator and even won the Simeon White Volunteer of the Year award this year.

3. I have to try three times as hard as anyone else. When people see you as a drag queen it is very hard to be taken seriously. I know that and proudly bring my culture with me anyway. I find the strength to do this because of the support my community offers. I have not quit but continued to work harder so as to not stop the forward momentum we have experienced together.
We must continue to maintain that voice together. We do have a vested interest in community building and creating opportunities for the community to grow as a whole. (Or to steal Pippi Lovestocking's line "I like to serve the community as a whole")

4. Since my run for Supervisor I have be recruited by many not for profits to sit on their governing boards. I have chosen The United Playaz and the Shi Yu-Lang YMCA because they deal with Youth. I have started learning land use this month by joining the Western SOMA Citizens Task Force because I understand the importance of Planning in our city and creating vibrant communities that work.

5. I have volunteered or fundraised for hundreds of organizations. I participate in the Castro and Folsom fairs because I find it an honor to be a part of our rich cultural heritage. I do it with my friends because we believe in giving back to our city and our community. I want neighborhood parties not to overwhelm the community. Our city needs to help organize around large events like Street Fairs and Pride to maximize local talent and handle the crowds by offering an array of events throughout the city.

I care deeply about San Francisco and our communities so much so that I will proudly face the disparaging remarks made by others so that we continue to find a voice and representation in City Hall. Please join me in this fight.

Please come out and help me represent on July 7th. Without you talking about my community efforts I will not get this seat.
Anna Conda/ Glendon Hyde



Sean Elsbernd@sfgov.org


Your emails are greatly appreciated and a needed part of this process so please email and talk about how you see me as a Community Organizer and Leader.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Entertainment Commission Letter about Anna Conda and my replies

So this letter has gone out concerning people about my intentions for the Entertainment Commission. I thought I would share this so that we could all look at what it is like to go out and try to prove yourself on a Political stage. It's hard especially when narrow views of queer society; even by other queer people; try's to judge a person for what they are but not who they are. I ask you to combat this degradation of my character buy also sending emails to the supervisors stating my qualities and community building efforts.
Anna Conda

Dear friends,

This is a second message regarding my request for help to retain the neighborhood seat on the Entertainment Commission. In a separate email, I sent out a sample letter, but more personal comments by influential neighborhood activists such as yourselves will always have more of an impact. Here are some talking points.

Take into account who your message is going to. The Progressives need to know that they're touching a 3rd rail if they remove the institutional knowledge of a proven neighborhood advocate in favor of someone who clearly makes his living off the entertainment industry. The Moderate Supes may need a simple run down of why there's no need to change horses. (so obviously whom ever wrote this letter does not understand that Drag Queen pay is HARDLY a living especially when most of your work has been to raise money for Not For Profits the last 3 years.)

* .........helped then-Supervisor Mark Leno write the legislation that created the Entertainment Commission and was responsible for all the references to "good neighbor policies."

* Entertainment is a for-profit industry that should not have government-subsidized cheerleaders regulating it. (So because I have been using my position to do community outreach and create change I am ONLY a cheerleader? I thought that I was a hard worker who had to prove against all odds that I was serious about my positions and the work thats ahead because people make fun of drag queens. I have had to work twice as hard to prove myself and that still hasn't scared me off.)

* The seat he holds is specifically set aside by law to "represent the interests of City neighborhood associations or groups." (So then who am I representing coming in 6th out of 15 in D6 Elections if not the neighborhood interests. My platform and continued work is around youth, homeless rights, and drug policy change. Is that not community based solution solving in the interests of City neighborhood associations or groups? Oh and thank you for saying I hold the seat but I have only applied like you. Sounds like a good sign though.)

* Glendon "Anna Conda" Hyde, who is also interested in a position on the Commission, would be a fine candidate for the seat representing "the interests of entertainment associations or groups." The Mayor's appointment to that seat is open right now. ( I agree to this as well. Thats why I'm a perfect fit for communities as well but as stated before it's easy to pick on the drag queen for comical humor.)

* There is supposed to be EQUAL representation between the neighborhoods and entertainment industry on the Commission.

* The entertainment industry would never stand for any political hijinks that would diminish THEIR influence. ( I question as above why this is hijinks?)

* .......... is the 2010 recipient of the Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services' NEN Lifetime Achievement Award. (2011 Simean White Volunteer of the Year Award, You make a Difference Award 2010, Sainted Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence 2009.... I could go on but you get the point.)

He authored the Good Neighbor Policy, Mediation Principles for staff and a Pre-Application Process that's meant to identify problems before new venues even open for business. (I would love to pick up where this left off and work with planning to circumvent future problems to small anchor businesses here in San Francisco. This person also calls the Eagle a Tweeker bar and is partly responsible for the 19K debt the Eagle sank into. By putting such strict regulations on the new bar home, after being removed from an old home because of condo noise complaints, the debt was so great the Eagle suffered and now is lost.)

* .......... has been keeping peace between neighbors and the nightclubs for more than fifteen years, first as vice-president of the SoMa Residents Associationand now as chair of the SoMa Leadership Council. ( Board of YMCA, United Playaz, Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club. People want to work with me. I have worked with many many groups in the area and they call me. I am easy to work with and very dedicated. Just ask Tenants Together if you don't believe me or any other group I have worked with.)

* He understands the relationship between land use and entertainment issues. (Working on it by joining the Western SOMA Task Force because when I learned how important they were I set out immediately to learn as much as I could.)

* Has worked with Supervisor Mirkarimi to moderate his "Live Performance" entertainment permit legislation (? Really sounded like he was against it at the meeting.)

* In 2010 ........ had a 100% perfect attendance record.

* When the "appointing authorities" made careless appointments in the past, the Commission became so out of balance that the Mayor and President of the Board of Supervisors threatened to abolish it. (Careless. I resent the assumption that this is a careless decision. I think quite frankly I prove myself over and over again. With wit, smarts, an open mind, a solution based platform, and by showing up even when people keep trying to exploit what I am instead of who I am.)

* "This is an ethical minefield." Jim Meko in the SF Weekly, July 8, 2009

The entertainment industry has a lot of clout. Jane Kim appears ready to support Glendon "Anna Conda" Hyde for the Neighborhood seat. That would give the industry a clear majority on the Commission. Here are the email addresses for all the Supervisors (and their key aides). Make your feelings known to those members who best understand neighborhood sensibilities by copying them on your message to the Rules Committee. But first, please be sure to contact all three members of the Rules Committee: