Wednesday, June 29, 2011

July 7 Help Anna Conda @ Rules Committee hearing for Entertainment Commission

The time has come to testify on my behalf at the Rules Committee hearing in City Hall on July 7th at 1:30.
I applied to this seat to be a community representative. There has been much push back sighting the fact that I have worked in clubs and there for can not be a community leader.
I think this is an example of what happens when you are a Drag Queen quite frankly. People look at you and believe that you can not be taken seriously or that perhaps I will not be able to make decisions that will be fair.
I will really need your help on the 7th to testify to the Rules Committee that I am....
1. Community Oriented and that clubs are often the place that queers find their voice and become leaders. As a person who escaped to NY I had one way to make a living and serve my community. Drag. Drag was my only job in NY.
In San Francisco however I became a hairdresser and made my living as such. I did drag as a way to continue my storytelling and art. I have continued to work for the community around planning issues that I later was Sainted by the Sisters for. I have worked around Prop 8 and other anti queer legislation. But it is not just "I" who have done it but we have together. Out of the bars and into the streets as Harvey Milk said.

2. Last year I ran for Supervisor of District 6 and came in 6th out of 15. I struggled to gain recognition in a crowded field and to make my platform heard. A platform based on community solutions for some of our toughest problems. I continue to work around Safe Use Sights and Homeless issues while using my drag to fundraise for many grass roots and not for profit organizations. I have also done an exemplary job with the Harvey Milk Club as their Outreach Co-Ordinator and even won the Simeon White Volunteer of the Year award this year.

3. I have to try three times as hard as anyone else. When people see you as a drag queen it is very hard to be taken seriously. I know that and proudly bring my culture with me anyway. I find the strength to do this because of the support my community offers. I have not quit but continued to work harder so as to not stop the forward momentum we have experienced together.
We must continue to maintain that voice together. We do have a vested interest in community building and creating opportunities for the community to grow as a whole. (Or to steal Pippi Lovestocking's line "I like to serve the community as a whole")

4. Since my run for Supervisor I have be recruited by many not for profits to sit on their governing boards. I have chosen The United Playaz and the Shi Yu-Lang YMCA because they deal with Youth. I have started learning land use this month by joining the Western SOMA Citizens Task Force because I understand the importance of Planning in our city and creating vibrant communities that work.

5. I have volunteered or fundraised for hundreds of organizations. I participate in the Castro and Folsom fairs because I find it an honor to be a part of our rich cultural heritage. I do it with my friends because we believe in giving back to our city and our community. I want neighborhood parties not to overwhelm the community. Our city needs to help organize around large events like Street Fairs and Pride to maximize local talent and handle the crowds by offering an array of events throughout the city.

I care deeply about San Francisco and our communities so much so that I will proudly face the disparaging remarks made by others so that we continue to find a voice and representation in City Hall. Please join me in this fight.

Please come out and help me represent on July 7th. Without you talking about my community efforts I will not get this seat.
Anna Conda/ Glendon Hyde



Your emails are greatly appreciated and a needed part of this process so please email and talk about how you see me as a Community Organizer and Leader.

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