The day after Christmas I finally had the guts to leave a relationship that was becoming more verbally and physically abusive over the last two of seven years. I stayed for as long as I did because I knew if I left I would be homeless. Now I am homeless and have been at the mercy of friends for almost 6 months. That is too long.
I have been without proper medical attention for a year. I have been HIV + for 25 years. This is a problem.
I have a bird named Conrad who I need to look after. He can not become homeless. We have been together for 17 years. I have to take care of him.
These pressures added to my PTSD; (due to my relationships abusive nature); have made it impossible to continue on in this manner. I have to do something about my situation.
I am 45 years old and have found my way through a 17 year stint in SF and now just have to move on.
I have by some miracle in this very traumatic last 6 months been able to get 2 As in college, led a very productive 5 months at the Milk Club and almost 1 year at the Entertainment Commission.
Here in the city I have been in several Pride parades and Taken Back Polk, been part of the Castro Street Fair for 6 years, been Sainted by the Sisters, swilled beer at the Eagle and any other hole that served welcoming drinks, graduated from Miss Martys School of Beauty, dragged it out from Miss Trannyshack 2004 to Charlie Horse, and run for political office. I gave you my all SF!
I love this city and it is just my nature to try really hard, but I can achieve where ever I am. Since the city of San Francisco keeps selling itself out to the highest bidder and making deals like Twitter, I dont see how a temporary fix on my housing will help in the long run.
Am I bitter... Hell yes!
I am mad as fucking hell!
But I will get over it.
I love you SF and you had better show up for the Milk Party this Monday because I have made up my mind to leave on the 30th.
Milk Soriee will be my last big appearence and I wanna share it with you. Because I love you.
This was a great 17 years! Changed my life.
Also looking for a farewell party/moving fundraiser at the Cinch around the 27th.
You will be missed! Expect at least 4 visitors wherever you end up.