Saturday, October 23, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

Hilarious TRUE campaign posters

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

Endorsement interviews: Glendon "Anna Conda" Hyde | San Francisco Bay Guardian

Endorsement interviews: Glendon "Anna Conda" Hyde | San Francisco Bay Guardian

World Homeless Day: San Francisco’s Leslie Hotel takeover

World Homeless Day: San Francisco’s Leslie Hotel takeover

Golden Gate [X]press : District 6 canidates take different stances on sit/lie

Golden Gate [X]press : District 6 canidates take different stances on sit/lie

With 19 Days to go

I think it would be very hard not to say that no matter what we have won. The team has always said the idea is to win but our goal is to fight, and we have fought as hard as any little lady could. We have taken on Big Time politics and risen to the top of the heap and garnered respect and stayed dignified in the process. It is with undying gratitude to Jessica Berardi, Tyler Hosack, John Ferreria, Jason Smart and Adam Britt who have stayed with me since a year ago today on one of the toughest experiences that we could have together. Dean Disaster, Matt Contrill, Joe Kowalke, Jeff Javits, and Alic Shook who got us off to a flying start and have contributed as much as they could over the year and helped keep the campaign going even as they found jobs and struggled to pay rents in this economy. I am forever grateful to Orlon, Steven, Gene and David Lewis for going above and beyond the call of duty and really taking to the streets for the cause. Also the many many many of you that spared anywhere from 5 to 500 dollars to support our campaign because to have raised 20K (including in kind donations) is a great accomplishment and has allowed us to be a contender for this Nov 2 election. Also to my club friends and new friends that I have met along the way your efforts at out reach in the TL and fundraising efforts at your parties help solidify our chances and prove that there is a voice to be heard that is not in a condo or part of the main stream but still a voice that demands being heard!

We are proud that all our materials are from recycled stock and are printed with soy based ink and will not harm the environment. We can also be proud that our message did not cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to get out there. Instead our foot work and out reach has all been community based. We feel that it is time to really look at what elections are and how we abuse and confuse the voters into believing that it is necessary to buy elections or spend ungodly amounts of money to influence your vote.

We started this campaign to prove that YOU can make a difference in politicks and we have. To be the drag queen candidate, who came out of no where and ended up being endorsed by some of the leading media, organizations, and voter groups has proven that we can make a difference and that we should take the time to do so.

As exhausting as this has been I have never felt better or more alive. It has truly connected myself and my team to what is going on at a level that none of us expected. The fight is not over an we can always use your help in the last days for out reach and especially on Nov 2! Mostly though I want to share my gratitude to YOU, the people who created a force to be reckoned with against all odds. My friends we are the voice of change against the over gentrification and selling out of our city. Our fight is not over but thats alright! We know now that we can do it and on November 2nd we are going to see some very surprised faces when they see just what we have achieved together.

Finally to those who wrote us off and to my parents who told me being gay and female identified would lead to a life of misery and rejection.... You were wrong. As a survivor and a fighter I am very proud to say that. Instead of a statistic we have become innovators. Thanks for not giving up because we have already enacted change and will continue to do so in the years ahead.

Thanks for the support and continued effort till the votes are counted. Never give up because as Queen said in our team theme song this year "We are the Champions my friends, and we'll keep on fighting till the end."


Anna Conda

Sunday, October 3, 2010

"A DRAG QUEEN CAN'T BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY.'"-- Theresa Sparks, candidate for District 6 City Supervisor.

"A DRAG QUEEN CAN'T BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY.'"-- Theresa Sparks, candidate for District 6 City Supervisor.

If this were the only way that candidate Theresa Sparks insults the queer community, that would be bad enough. But while claiming that her position as Director of the Human Rights Commission shows her commitment to human rights, Sparks's actions prove otherwise:
+In an anti-democratic move, she has pressured store owners not to hang the signs of other candidates.
+As a police commissioner, Sparks has supported the police policy that says trans women carrying more than 1 condom on their person can be [detained/arrested?] as prostitutes.
+Sparks actively endorses the proposed sit-lie law that criminalizes the homeless--many of whom have ended up living on the street as the direct result of being trans or queer. (This also contradicts Spark's claim that she is a fiscal conservative: Not only will passage of this unconstitutional law immediately embroil the city in an expensive lawsuit, but three days of jail time for a homeless person costs the same [more?] than providing them housing and social services for an entire month.)

I'm proud of my history as a drag queen, and that's why I include my drag name in my campaign. I'm asking for your vote, however, based not on my (admittedly fabulous) outfits, but on my progressive policies and my commitment to the district that has been my home for 14 years. As Supervisor of D6, I promise:
I will [fight] for more affordable housing for all.
I'll [push] to extend rent control to small businesses.
I'll collaborate on revamping Muni so that it really works--without punishing the Muni workers who keep it running..
I will sponsor a tax non-medical cannabis
I will fight to make sure San Francisco's funds are spent
housing people rather than jailing them
creating jobs instead of providing billionaires tax breaks/cutting sweetheart deals with corporations
repairing, cleaning, and greening the streets and sidewalks rather than attacking San Franciscans sitting on those sidewalks.
[ital/bold]Can drag queens be taken seriously? Damn right we can![end ital] VOTE FOR ANNA CONDA aka GLENDON HYDE ON NOVEMBER 2nd.

League of Pissed Off Voters Endorse Anna

Here are the League's endorsements for November. Our full voter guide that explains why we're voting this way will be posted on soon.

State Candidates:

Governor: Jerry Brown

Lt Governor: No endorsement (Gavin came up one vote short of getting our endorsement!)

US Senator: Barbara Boxer

Sec of State: Debra Bowen

Controller: John Chiang

Treasurer Bill Lockyer

Attorney General: Kamala Harris

Insurance Commissioner: Dave Jones

Superintendent of Public Instruction: Larry Aceves

State Board of Equalization: Betty Yee

State Assembly District 12: No endorsement

State Assembly District 13: Tom Ammiano

State Senate District 18: No endorsement

Supreme Court Justices: Cantil-Sakauye, No; Chin, No; Moreno, Yes

State Props:

19: Yes - Legalize!

20: No - Expands undemocratic redistricting commission to cover congress

21: Yes - $18 vehicle fee to pay for state parks

22: No - Complicated & suspicious way to prevent state borrowing from local agencies

23: Hell No - Cold-cocks CA’s landmark anti-global-warming bill

24: Hell Yes - Repeal corporate tax breaks

25: Hell Yes - Restore majority rule for the state budget!

26: Hell No - Cripple CA’s ability to pay for services via fees

27: Yes - Eliminate that sketchy redistricting commission (see 20)

Local Props:

AA: Yes - $10 vehicle fee for roads, transit, and pedestrians

A: Yes - $46m bond to seismically retrofit affordable housing

B: No - Increase city employees pension contributions & take away health care

C: Yes - Question Time with the Mayor . . . Round 3

D: Hell Yes - Allow non-citizen public school parents to vote for school board

E: Hell Yes - Election Day voter registration for SF-only elections!

F: No - Suspicious consolidation of random Health Services Board Elections

G: No - Standardize Muni drivers’ pay formula, but add anti-worker language

H: No - Bar some SF elected officials from political party committees

I: Yes - Donation-funded Saturday voting pilot program for 2011

J: Hell Yes - Raise the hotel tax to save City services

K: Hell No - Poison pill against raising the hotel tax

L: No - Make it illegal to sit on the sidewalk anywhere in SF

M: Yes - Require police foot patrols & block Prop L

N: Hell Yes - Raise the tax on properties sold for more than $5 million

Local Candidates:

Board of Supervisors

District 2: Janet Reilly

District 4: No endorsement

District 6: 1- Jane Kim; 2- Glendon “Anna Conda” Hyde; 3- Debra Walker

District 8: Rafael Mandelman

District 10: 1- Chris Jackson; 2- Tony Kelly; 3- Ed Donaldson

BART Board: Bert Hill

Assessor: Phil Ting

Board of Education: Hydra Mendoza, Bill Barnes, Kim-Shree Maufus

Community College Board: John Rizzo

Public Defender: Jeff Adachi

Judge: Michael Nava